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Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

For those opposed to capital punishment under any circumstances, or those who believe it is morally equivalent to state sanctioned murder, here is a thought experiment:

If it were magically possible to restore a murder victim to life, but the science required the extinguishing of another human life, would you favor the execution of the guilty offender to bring back the innocent victim?

It is easy to respond to this proposition by saying it is impossible and hypothetical and therefore has no relationship to reality so it is irrelevant to the actual debate over capital punishment.

But it is relevant, because it focusses the question on both the nature and degree of one’s attitude toward the subject. Remember, under our imaginary scheme, the government is still taking a life. So the question is: Does taking a life with a balanced good on the other side justify the act, or should “morality” be absolute?

Think about it.

4 Responses to A Capital Punishment Thought Experiment

  1. Filiz says:

    The last three years I have been studing psychopathy and watched lots of documentaries on serial killers, peadophiles etc,…I am not against the death penalty and I think Human Rights is a very two faced issue. I have survived a psychopath and know first hand the effects they cause on human beings. I do not believe that these monsters are human. I do not see them as humans and all they do is cause havoc and misery to people around them.
    Human Rights activist claim that every person has a right to live. Well I am sorry but NO, if a psychopath killed one then they should pay that with their life period.

  2. whosear says:

    I simply don’t understand not wanting to put to death someone who cruelly, with malice aforethought, hunted and confronted a victim and took their life. Would we think it just that a thief should drive around in their car while they stole yours?

    I can understand a high bar of evidence to reduce the possibility of executing an innocent person, but that is not why opponents object. It is narcissistic, they want to feel better about themselves.

    I had a discussion with one of the top dogs in the house in Connecticut. He visited the prisons, understood that the convicts needed to be in there, but voted against the death penalty anyway.

  3. DoUKnowTheLord says:

    I am for the death penalty in the sense that if man sheds blood then by man shall his blood be shed. Gen 9:6.

    However, Aside from religion and moral order, if the Lord gave the opportunity to create the miracle to have a victim be returned to the family; and the life but it would cost a life it would be my life.

    Example: Has been for my whole life,
    I am a judge for and in the court room the lawyer, the defendant the prosecutor all represent my choices. Then I tell the criminal he is found to be guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. In this example it is a non jury trial I decide sentence and here the sentence is just that. To die for the murder of an innocent victim with all the glory of our Blessed Mother she shined like a beam of light and when that light was turned off, everything changed. So, then I will take the sentence and be hanged, for My Heart and soul are always in the victims interest. I lay my life down in that I may set an example as a judge to a convicted killer your redeemed one more time but the Lord brings her back should he feel it a need, that I say nothing of.
    May you earn your salvation and all the others who think after you. I try to plant that that seed of life that was taken from me the day I saw my candle was out. No intimate emotions in the court just here; but in doing so no one can overturn my decision as judge, I would do that right now.
    That is my move and the last is Our Lords. I hope that makes sense if not or it reveals to much overwhelming grief for the innocent then please take it down. I like the thought experiment John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, who is in my mind SSA.

    Still Praying Mr. Olshaker for the family of your dear friend who did just that and so do I.

    Whats your choice?

    • Thanks for your compliment and prayers for Kyle and his family.

      I don’t know if I could be as selfless as you in our thought experiment. What I do know is that I value an innocent life over a guilty one.

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